Video analytics. Viewing recorded clips

Video analytics. Viewing recorded clips Seraphim

To view previously recorded clips: 

  • Go to the page Video -> Experiments
  • From the list, select the project you are interested in. 
    If experiments have been previously created, you will see a list of them.
  • Go to the experiment page by clicking the "View" button. 
    The experiment will be loaded, with an interactive view control. 


On the first screen, you will see a list of recorded sessions. The list contains

  •  Session ID within the experiment
  • Level reached by the player
  • Number of recorded events
  • Number of frames recorded
  • Number of errors and exceptions that occurred 

By clicking on one of the sessions, you will be able to view the gameplay video. Events will be displayed in the order they occur. 

The refresh rate is different for each device. Selected in accordance with the bandwidth of the device's channel and the speed of the device, so that the player does not experience discomfort when playing. In this regard, the refresh rate of frames in some cases may be small.