
Reports Seraphim

You can generate one of the proposed reports

User reports:

User Level Reporting:

  • Level Funnel

Game session reports:

In-app ad reporting:

  • ADS views
  • ADS Table
  • ADS users per Total users
  • ADS shows per user
  • ADS shows per session

Monetization Reports:

  • ($) Purchases total
  • (¢) Purchase Per User
  • First Time Purchasers
  • Total Purchasers
  • Gem Spend Table


DAU Seraphim

Daily Amount Users report - how many users started the game on a particular day.

In the long run, the average number of users who have started the game is displayed. Calculated as the sum of the number of users divided by the number of days  
[sum(totalUsers) / count(distinct date)]

Player quality

Player quality Seraphim

The ratio of the number of quality sessions to the total number of sessions.

A high-quality session is considered to be a session with a gameplay duration of more than 10 seconds or at least one conversion to the goal.




New installations

New installations Seraphim

Displays data about new installations in the application

In long-term periods, the average number of new users who launched the game is displayed. Calculated as the sum of the number of users divided by the number of days [sum(newUsers) / count(distinct date)]

Average session duration

Average session duration Seraphim

report on the average duration of one session. If there were several sessions per day, then the average duration is calculated as the ratio of the total duration of daily activity to the number of sessions.

In a period of more than 1 day, it is considered as the ratio of the sum of the average duration of a day's session to the sum of the number of user sessions.

sum(averageSessionDuration) / sum(sessionsPerUser)


Retention Seraphim

Player retention report by game level.

Shows the percentage of users who returned to the game in the following days to the number of users on day zero (install day).