Banner exchange

Banner exchange Seraphim

The system allows you to exchange advertising banners within the company. In this case, no fee is charged. You are in complete control of your traffic and resources. 

Banner exchange can be both unmotivated and motivated. Analytics systems will not consider this traffic as advertising. That is, it will be perceived as independent (direct). 

Thus, you can not only reduce the cost of purchased traffic (by transferring users to other relevant applications), but also significantly improve the performance of your application. 

In order for the application to receive traffic, it is enough to set up its promotional materials and add it to the network. Traffic will start flowing in immediately.

It should be remembered! 

Traffic comes only from your applications. And accordingly, if the application does not give traffic, then other applications will not receive it.



Reports Seraphim

Banner exchange reports are generated in real time. 

Report filters are different from Google Analytics filters. 

The following events are logged for banner exchange: 

  • Demonstration of the promotional banner
  • Go to the app store by clicking on the promotional banner
  • Referral installation 

In the reports, you can see both incoming and outgoing traffic. Also divide traffic into banners and icons.

Conversion transition to install

Conversion transition to install Seraphim

Banner exchange > Conversion transition to install

Shows how well clicks to the app store convert into game installs. 



  • by platforms at once (sum), 
  • by a single platform.


  • Icon,
  • Banner

Incoming traffic

Incoming traffic Seraphim

Banner exchange > Incoming traffic

Shows the amount of traffic received for each individual application. Impressions, transitions and installations are displayed in one chart at once. With the ability to filter by the following parameters:


  • by platforms at once (sum), 
  • by a single platform.


  • Icon,
  • Banner

Summary report

Summary report Seraphim

Banner exchange > Summary report

Demonstrates the operational dynamics of banner exchange in the following sections:


  • Displays of promotional materials 
  • Transitions to the application store 
  • Referral installation of applications


  • by platforms at once (sum), 
  • by a single platform.


  • Icon,
  • Banner


Settings Seraphim
  • Setting up receiving traffic
  • Configuring traffic return 
  • SDK integration

Configuring traffic return

Configuring traffic return Seraphim

The necessary conditions:

  1. SDK is integrated
  2. The application is added and configured correctly, as described in the instructions


Setting procedure:

In order for the application to start sending traffic, you need to

  1. configure the platform on which the application runs. For this
    1. go to application settings 
    2. Select the required application 
    3. Go to the platforms page

Next, you should go to the desired platform. For example Android and fill in the application settings.

  • Game Bundle is the applicationID under which it is registered in the Google Play store. (e.g. com.foranj.newyeartale)
  • Store url - link where the application is available through the browser
  • in-app-url - a link by which the application is available for searching in the native app store (in this case, google play). An example of what it should look like is given next to the input field (market://details?id=[bundle])
  • Activity flag - indicates that the application will send and receive traffic.

All these fields are mandatory. Based on these fields, behavior models of the banner exchange network will be formed.

After filling in all the fields, click the "apply" button.


File browser

File browser Seraphim

The file browser is integrated into the system for the convenience of selecting files, as well as for convenient access to promotions within the company. Files uploaded to the storage will be available to all users attached to the company.


The file browser is available on the profile page and on the banner exchange promo materials selection page.

Image upload

  1. Open the file browser by clicking the appropriate button 
  2. On the left side, in the explorer, go to the root folder of your company. 
  3. Create, if necessary, a subfolder inside the company folder. 
  4. Select the required folder where the image will be uploaded.
  5. Press the "download" button, which is located at the top of the window. 
  6. The same file can be applied as a promotional material by clicking the "select" button

Choosing an image as a promotional material

When setting up banner exchange, you must select its image. You can do this in the following way:

  1. Click the "open file browser" button. 
  2. On the left side (in the explorer), click on your company folder. 
  3. Next inside, go to the next level folder of interest. 
  4. On the right side, the contents of the selected folder will appear. 
  5. Select one of the files and click the "select" button. 
  6. The image will be selected as promotional material .



  1. The files must have a jpeg or jpg extension. 
  2. The files must be inside your company folder. Otherwise, they will be inaccessible to other members of your company. 
  3. Before uploading a file to the system, you should use one of the image pasteurization systems, such as tinyPNG. This will significantly reduce the traffic of your application.

Setting up receiving traffic

Setting up receiving traffic Seraphim

The necessary conditions:

  1. SDK is integrated
  2. The application has been added and configured correctly, as described in the instructions
  3. The application has "traffic delivery" enabled and configured through banner exchange

Setting up receiving traffic:

  1. go to application settings 
  2. Select the desired application 
  3. Go to the icon page
  4. Using the built-in file browser, select the appropriate icon for the application. It will be shown to the players in the game interface.
  5. Press the "apply" button and the icon will be applied to this platform. If you click the "apply on all" button, the icon will be applied on all configured platforms.
  6. In the same way, configure the application banner that will be shown on the exit screen of the game.
  7. Make sure that the platforms you are interested in are activated, as described in the traffic return settings

After saving the settings, the banner exchange network behavior model will be rebuilt. New promotional banners will be shown to users as the data is updated with the start of the next session.