Working with charts

Working with charts Seraphim

Each chart has a wide functionality

  • Disabling an individual graph. To disable one of the chart lines: 
    • Find the desired line in the legend, 
    • click on the inscription 
    • The graph line of the corresponding inscription will be disabled. The scale has been rebuilt. 
    • To turn it on, click on it again, or refresh the page. 
  • Displaying data in a table 
    • Find the chart menu
    • Click "View Data Table"
    • A table with data will appear below.
  • Export chart 
    • Find the chart menu
    • Choose one of the options 
      • Download PNG
      • Download JPG
      • Download PDF
      • Download SVG
  • Print Graph 
    • Find the chart menu
    • Select Print Chart
  • Full screen mode 
    • Find the chart menu
    • Select the Full Screen item
  • Detailing the chart
    • Move the mouse pointer to the range of interest. A tooltip will appear with the values at the nearest point in the graph. 
  • Search by legend 
    • Move the mouse pointer over one of the names in the legend. The graph corresponding to the selected legend item will be highlighted.