
Company Seraphim

By creating a company, you can 

  • Implement banner exchange within your applications 
  • Significantly expand the capabilities of Google Analytics 
  • Receive notifications of changes in the google play store for the positions you are interested in 
  • Receive videos of player gameplay 

Within the company will be available 

  • general list of images
  • access to settings
  • access to analytic
  • saccess to videos
  • access to error reports

User Invitation

User Invitation Seraphim

Settings > Company



  • The user must be registered in the system

Adding Users:

  • Go to the link Settings > Company
  • Enter the email address of the registered user
  • Click the "Invite" button
  • After the user receives the notification and agrees with it, the user's data will appear in the list of invitees.



Invite and delete users, as well as change company settings - can only be the owner of the company


Registration Seraphim

Settings > Company

  • Go to the link Settings > Company
  • Fill in the field with the name of the company
  • Fill in the field with the Google Analytics key (description) 

The next step is to invite users. Or go straight to setting up applications.