Application setup

Application setup Seraphim

To add an application, go to Settings > Applications and click the "Add" button 

In the window that appears, fill in all the required fields.

  • Application name - any suitable
  • Bundle ( )
  • Google Property ID - (?) 
  • Application category name (?) 
  • The application metric is optional. It is needed for analytics.


Application ID

Application ID Seraphim

An Android application ID (Application ID) is a unique string that identifies your application across devices and app stores such as the Google Play Store.

The app ID is usually specified in the build.gradle file of your android project. It looks like a reverse domain name in the format com.example.myapp. Each application must have a unique identifier to avoid conflicts and ensure that the application is uniquely identified.

The app ID not only uniquely identifies your app in the app stores, but also defines the app's package name in the Android operating system. It is used to access various resources and application components such as permissions, activities, and services.

In addition, the Application ID may play a role when interacting with other services and APIs, such as ad networks or analytics tools, that require an Application ID for integration.

Application categories

Application categories Seraphim

To make it easier to find the desired application in the list, they are grouped into categories.

When you create an application, you can assign a category to it.

Next, the application will be displayed as a child application of this category.

How to set up Google Analytics

How to set up Google Analytics Seraphim

In order to set up Google Analytics for data transmission, you need to 

  1. Go to the Google Analytics website 
  2. Enable the Google Analytics API 
  3. If you have permission issues, you can watch this video

Property Id

Property Id Seraphim

PropertyId - This is the identifier of the property in Google Analytics, according to which information is collected from applications (there may be several).

To determine the Google Analytics 4 property ID:

  1. Visit Google Analytics
  2. Select Admin. 
  3. Select Property. 
  4. Select Property Settings. 


To customize the transfer of propertyId 

  1. Create a service account
  2.  Grant service account rights to all analytics. 
  3. Find propertyId in Analytics.
  4. Grant Analyst rights to this service account



Useful Resources

Useful Resources Seraphim

List of useful resources